Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This is my final project, it's about Sudan.
for this project iget my base map from arc view.
I use the Sudan map trying to show Agricultural Products in some bart of Sudan and I use the green color around the Nile to show most of the Richness of landslide in sudan. Sudan is very hot contry for that most Agricultural around the Nile ,in the area in the west they use rain water and groundwater.
And about Goat’s distribution in Sudan states the data collect in 1995/94.
For the base map I use the arc view to get it and I get the data from this web said

-sudan state http://www.sudan.net/government/regmap.html
-Goat distribution http://sudanimanama.8k.com/tharwa%20hayawania.htm (arbic web)
-Agricultral http://www.sudagric.gov.sd/en/index.php

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

color map

Colored Antique Map of the United States
by H. C. Tunison